ACE Foundation Programs
Clinical practice in treatment systems is complex and challenging. In this course, the presenter outlines a conceptual framework that synthesizes contemporary psychodynamic principles with systems theory – referred to as a psychodynamic systems approach – to advance knowledge of systems-based clinical practice. This approach considers patient, staff, and organizational factors that converge to socially co-construct the system and uniquely impact clinical processes. Five phenomena are frequently actualized in systems work: transference, countertransference, splitting, projective identification, and enactment. Definitions formulated from a dyadic perspective and a psychodynamic systems approach will be offered.
Based on the presenter’s empirical research, she will describe the construct of system enactment and outline four steps for engaging system enactments to repair alliance ruptures with patients, restore intra-staff functioning, and address problematic organizational dynamics. Social justice and anti-oppressive elements of a psychodynamic systems approach will be highlighted. Case material will illustrate the application of concepts to clinical practice.
*NYSSCSW Discount applies to NYSSCSW current members only.
**Student Discount only applies to full time students currently enrolled in social work and MHP master level programs.
If this is your first time taking an ACE Foundation program not not shared with the NYSSCSW, you will be prompted to make your complimentary account on the ACE Foundation Learning Center platform, where you will be able to access all current and future programs and course materials from your dashboard. You will be asked to set a password for your new ACE Foundation Learning Center account.
Please Register by Tuesday, March 4 at 5pm.
Live Online via Zoom
The Advanced Clinical Education (ACE) Foundation of the NYS Society for Clinical Social Work, Inc. is recognized by the New York State Education Department’s State Board for Social Work as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed marriage and family therapists #MFT-0028; licensed mental health counselors #MHC-0045; licensed psychoanalysts #P-0017; licensed psychologists #PSY-0121; and licensed social workers #SW-0056.
Out-of-state providers are welcome to request a certificate upon completion of the presentation evaluation but must check with their own state licensing boards to inquire about whether or not the certificate is recognized as transferrable for CEs in their state’s jurisdiction.
After attending this lecture participants will be able to:
1. Define a psychodynamic systems approach
2. Explain five clinical phenomena fundamental for systems-based clinical practice
3. Identify the seven distinctive features of a system enactment
4. Explain the four steps in using a system enactment framework
5. Describe the social justice and anti-oppressive components of using a psychodynamic systems approach
Psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, licensed psychoanalysts, nurse practitioners and family and marriage/couple therapists and mental health counselors.
This seminar is appropriate for clinicians with all levels of experience.
Cathleen Morey, PhD, LICSW is the Director of Clinical Social Work at the Austen Riggs Center where she clinically and administratively manages the provision of clinical social work services throughout an integrated system of care in an open setting psychiatric hospital and residential treatment center for adult patients with complex psychiatric conditions. In addition, Dr. Morey is an adjunct assistant professor at the Smith College School for Social Work, where she teaches in the doctoral and clinical supervision certificate programs. With 25 years of diverse clinical social work experience across mental health settings – including psychiatric hospitals, residential programs, community mental health agencies, and forensic settings – her scholarship, research, and teaching focus on ethics, system enactments, interdisciplinary treatment teams, psychodynamic systems approaches, family therapy, intergenerational transmission of trauma, international social work, and clinical social work education. She has presented on these topics at national and international conferences. Dr. Morey volunteers internationally with the non-profit organization International Social Work Solutions and is a peer reviewer for several social work journals. She maintains a private practice specializing in psychotherapy, supervision, and consultation.
Contact Hours will be awarded once the entire course is completed, as evidenced by signing in and out and completing a course evaluation. Certificates will be emailed approximately ten business days after the completion of the course.
ACE welcomes participants with diverse abilities. Please contact Kristin or Debbie at, at time of registration, to request accessibility accommodations. Accommodation requests are considered in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities ACT (ADA), Section 505 of the Rehabilitation ACT.
Cancellations made at least five days before the event will be refunded less a 10% cancellation fee. For cancellation please call 1-800-288-4279, or email us at
Should Inclement weather occur, we will be notifying all registrants via the email by which the registrant signed up. Please be sure to check your email before you leave for the course.